

Published on Monday, February 20, 2017


 Hagberg Falling Number test made easier, safer and faster !

The Amylab FN measures the activity of starch degrading enzymes (alpha-amylases) using the STANDARD Hagberg method OR the NEW faster Testogram method.

Alpha-amylase plays a very important role during the production of leavened bread. A shortage leads to hard-to-proof and low volume bread whereas high amylase activity can lead to sticky dough, low bread volume with red crust color. There is an optimum level of alpha-amylase which depends on the activity of the raw material (wheat, flour…) and the activity of added enzymes.

Measurement principle: 

The alpha-amylase activity is traditionally assessed by the Hagberg method. The Amylab FN allows performing the Hagberg method with an improved control of test conditions compared to existing systems and adds the possibility to have the same information in a shorter time using the Testogram mode.

Falling Number Mode

The Amylab FN measures the time required for a sensor to plunge into a flour + water hot gel as a function of its degradation by alpha-amylase enzyme present in the ground wheat or flour sample. The shorter the time, the higher the enzyme activity. Total test time depends on amylase activity and varies from 60 to more than 500 seconds (average around 200-300 seconds).

Testogram Mode

The Amylab FN measures the consistency of a flour + water hot gel during 90 seconds. High consistency corresponds to low amylase activity (no gel degradation). Results are given as Total Stirring Force (TSF) and the equivalent in Hagberg value is also indicated.



Heating by induction

• The Amylab FN has perfect control of heating that allows much better test precision by avoiding any water evaporation.

Reusable test tube

• Made of aluminum. No more breakable glassware influencing the results.

Bottom removable test tube

• Perfect solution to easily remove starch gel from the tube and to ensure complete dryness before starting a new test.

Large user interface

• 7” touchscreen for improved interactions with the device and better result readability.

Improved accuracy

• Test tube dimensions 100% controlled from the manufacturer, high performance temperature control (infrared probes), no changing water level in the water bath (no water), shaking movement precisely controlled.

High return on investment

• Higher throughput (66% faster in average on Testogram mode compared to Hagberg method), long life test tube, fast and easy tube cleaning (removable bottom).

User safety

       • No boiling water: no projection, no glassware: no breakage.

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Author: SuperUser Account

Categories: Equipment, Chopin Technologies



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